Monday, December 21, 2009

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn: Second Response

I am alone, sitting on the lonely curb on the street, wishing that I at least had a quarter to get me some decent food tonight, instead of wandering to a sordid trash can for my distasteful dinner. It's so filthy and revolting that it makes me want to starve myself until I die; maybe death is better than all of this. Even though money isn't that important, compared to something like friends or family, it is still very meaningful in a person's life in many different ways.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith is a very good book for explaining that money is somewhat crucial in a young girl's life.  One way that money was needed in Francie's life was when she was going to her old school back in Brooklyn, she was being treated unfairly because she did not have as much money as the other students.  Because of this, Francie ended up wetting her pants in the back of the classroom, and Sissy had to come after school and make up this huge lie so Francie would not get embarrassed again.  After she switched to her new school at the other side of Brooklyn, she was not accustomed to getting respected equally because of her money situation.  This new school is much more sophisticated than her last one, so the teachers and staff at this school didn't care how much money you have, they give you the same amount of attention as if you were rich beyond notice.

Another reason that money is needed in the Nolan family life besides respect is for example after Johnny died, they were short one working person.  The group was so desperate that the local saloon owner who was a close friend of Johnny's had to give them jobs just so they could pay the rent.  Not including anything else, just the rent.  Right before graduation, Katie had another child -- Laurie they named it -- which made it even more of a struggle for the family because it meant they would need to buy more food, more clothes, more everything! After graduation, must of the families went to the ice cream shop to celebrate, and Francie was worried if Katie was going to tip the waiter of not, and she ended up giving the rest of the change to him, and that was the remainder of their money.  Evy mentioned it to her, but Katie acted like she didn't even notice what she just did and what is going on in her life at the moment's notice.

Money is very important in an average family's life because it makes them feel special, or maybe like they are the richest people in the world; but it could also make them feel poor, and ruin their life experiences.  If you are a truly smart person, one of the qualitites that you need is that you will not waste your valuables like most people tend to do.  This family in the novel has done both -- wasted it and kept good care of it.  Don't make this mistake like the Nolans have done.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn: First Response

Sitting on the living room couch, looking around the ginormous area, I see all of my wonderful relatives reuniting with me. This is the special moment that every person wishes they could have. Some families are very unfortunate to lose family members, and a person may have a hard time trying to live their life the way that they used to.  Family should be one of everybody's top priorities because if we grow apart from our family members, things will just keep getting worse and worse, and before you know it, they will roll right down the hill of your drastic life.

In this book, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, one of the reasons that family is important is because everybody needs somebody to go to for advice. For example, when Francie goes to her mom, Katie, for some guidance about her changes, she realizes that she needs help. That is what family is for -- to help you with the things that you cannot do alone. Another way that family is crucial is that even though every family has some fights, eventually they get through them. Like when Johnny and Katie have spurts where they get mad at one another, the next day most likely they forgot all about what happened previously and start fresh again.

There are many different reasons why people these days have lost some relatives, but if you really do care, you will never let them out of your grasp. Do not ever fail to keep your family with you in the long run, and they will always be with you too.

Friday, December 4, 2009

"All Summer in a Day" Short Story Response

Me, sitting in the back of the language arts room with a book I front of my face, pretending to silently read this boring book, after all, those were the nasty teachers orders. Instead, my thoughts creep into the back of my head, all of them about the short story that we read yesterday, “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury. Even though most kids these days have a ton of friends and family, everyone should still fear isolation because of loss of friendships and a lot of difficult times.

Children should fear isolation because of many reasons. One of which the main character, Margot, got locked in a closet with nobody else, and she had no friends. If children don’t have any friends, who should they go to for advice besides their parents? All children need friends and family to help them get through their lives. I know that if I lost all of my friends in within a week I would be really sad and not be able to have any fun anymore. Without fun, the world would literally be black in every child’s mind, and children are supposed to be happy people.

Every child in the world needs friends and family to help people be themselves. Each and every person has a different personality, and they all have friendships too. Even if you think that the world is going to end because of a tragic event or something, things will eventually get better.

Classroom Changes

Slowly falling asleep on the hard desks with a book in front of your face, trying to stay clear of the teacher’s nasty glare. The metal chairs numb your tailbone, and even the squeaky noise from the whiteboard markers gently puts you to sleep. Kids come to school because their parents tell them to, and when they walk into their first class, the day just drags on and on because of the boring classrooms, so we must remodel them to make kids want to come to school everyday.

The very first thing that I must change is the flooring. Right in the middle of the room is an inclined floor, filled with wonderfully furry beanbags, with scientific laptops on top of them. Around the focus of the floor is carpet, which is hot pink, with lime green polka dots. In addition to the polka dots are some tiny patches of neon orange, and on the top floor, the carpet is cocoa brown for relaxation.

Another way I should change up the classroom is different ways to get up to the second floor. Instead of staircases and elevators, I’d put in a rock climbing wall and firemen poles. The rock climbing wall is covered in many different colored rocks, and the fireman poles are a really bright gold. Then, for handicapped purposes, there is a glass elevator in the corner.

In addition to the beautiful carpeting and the fun ways to get up to the second floor, I would like to add a delicious food station on the top floor. The brown wooden table is made out of oak, and the food is catered. Next to the table of food is a miniature refrigerator, for healthy drinks like milk, and bottles of water. Sitting in the corner is a funnel cake maker, and then right next to the funnel cake maker is a hot chocolate maker, for the freezing cold days in the English room. By the way, on the warmer days, there is a little cabana hut in the opposite corner with a Mexican guy making blue raspberry and cherry slushies.

Because of kids not wanting to come to school, these changes will definitely make kids rethink about it. This different styled school would make all kids excited about getting up in the morning. If you want to make school a little more fun for kids to hang out with their friends and also learn new things, change the designs for all of the children out there who don’t like school as much.

Veteran's Essay

If somebody asks you when the right time to honor our military heroes and veterans is, what would your answer be? There could be so many different answers, but which one would you choose?

When somebody comes up and asks me when the right time to honor military heroes is, my answer is all of the time. Let’s just say that somebody who was in World War II sees you and you start to have a conversation with him or her, but then you both run out of ideas to talk about. So why not bring up the topic of thanking them for going to war and making our country a better place? If everyone honors our military heroes all of the time, they will know how much everybody appreciates it. Then it will make them feel like a better person and that they made a good choice to go into World War II.

Another possible situation when to honor a military hero would be when a person that was in the Vietnam War was visiting your house for a celebration. If that person is one of your grandparents or a close relative, you could tell them that you love them very much and that you are grateful that they put so much time into the war. On the other hand, if the person that you are talking to is somebody that you just met or an individual that may not be as close to you, as long as they know that you value all of their time that was put into the war, the one that you are talking to is most likely very thankful that you are honoring them.

See, there are many different possible ways to honor a veteran or a military hero. If you see a relative or somebody wearing an army or military suit, just remember to thank them for everything that they have done and that you appreciate it very much.